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Vocational Leadership


Vocational Leadership? Going to work daily and sharing your authentic self is vocational leadership. Finding a job that is a good fit for your personality is vocational leadership. Leading with your strengths and stretching yourself and your team to grow is vocational leadership. Overcoming your fears, self-esteem issues, stuckness, and your own pride is vocational leadership. Asking for help from another, like a coach, is also vocational leadership.


The desire to gain self-awareness around your vocational leadership comes at all ages and levels of accomplishment. Wanting to explore is healthy. It means your curiosity and passion for learning and growing are alive.


All jobs teach us something about ourselves. If we don't learn the lessons, we will not benefit from the experience. What have you learned thus far? When we take the time to check in with ourselves and explore whether our vocation is feeding us or draining us, insights occur.  


The Enneagram helps you uncover your motivations, interests, talents, blind spots, fears, growth areas, and what you desire for yourself. Each Enneagram Type brings different skills, temperaments, and needs to their work. It is critical to understand yourself before you can begin to try to find the "perfect" job and/or understand and lead others.


The Enneagram also provides essential wisdom to those in leadership seeking to find a way to lead authentically and effectively. As leaders, each Enneagram Type brings different skills and temperaments to the team. When we take the time to increase our awareness, we can learn how to improve our effectiveness as a leader and gain humility regarding what we need to work on and what additional skills we need to attract to our team.


Mary Oliver says it best. "Tell me, what is it you plan to do with your one wild and precious life?"


Let's make it something that when you look back, you will be satisfied that you showed up as your authentic self and found fulfillment in your work. I would enjoy working with you to discover what makes you feel alive, what is holding you back, and what your next steps are to become a vocational leader. 



Making career decisions in line with your personality strengths.

Ennea Insights
Coach Margaret Evans (she/her)
Certified Enneagram Professional 
located in Portland, OR

Certified Enneagram Professional
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