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Discover Your True Self with Ennea Insights
Professional Enneagram Coaching

Certified Enneagram Professional
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After years of working in the business world and as a mental health therapist, I have found the Enneagram of personality to be the most effective and transformative approach for understanding and addressing behaviors and beliefs detrimental to one's personal growth.


There comes a time when you are ready to examine your coping strategies and their impact on your life and then do the challenging work to evolve.  I would be honored to be your coach, guiding you with self-awareness practices that can transform and give you

the freedom to live as your authentic best self.   


Please let me know when you are ready.




"Always remember that the Enneagram does not put you in a box - it shows you the box you are already in (but don't know it) and the way out!" 


~ Don Richard Riso and Russ Hudson,

Discovering Your Personality Type

Enneagram Coaching to increase self-awareness and transformation.

To know thyself is
the beginning of wisdom.


Margaret Evans, Certified Enneagram Professional, Chestnut Paes Enneagram Academy

Margaret Evans
Certified Enneagram Professional
Chestnut Paes Enneagram Academy 

Red and Orange Gradient

Type 8 Client

“Our sessions were a welcome relief and a startling challenge, serving as a place where I felt heard and discovered unnoticed patterns."

Type 2 Client

Type 7 Client 

"Margaret Evans is a truly gifted facilitator with a deep knowledge of and passion for the Enneagram- and how to apply it to live your best life! I consider myself very self-aware, but have then had so many "aha's" in my time with her that have been really critical for me. Highly recommend!"

"Learning to balance the need to please, give unconditionally and create clear boundaries is a constant challenge. Actively dedicating myself to continued self growth helps me to return to my desired path even if I occasionally misstep. Margaret helps me stay on track of my goals by reminding me why I choose to be of service and how I can take care of myself as well."4

Candy Cotton
Purple - Blue Gradient

Type 9 Client

"Working with Margaret to make a successful (unexpected) late career transition not only resulted in a new and well suited opportunity but insights and appreciation for the impact and effort involved to make the change. Anxiety evolved into patience and understanding. Isolation moved to outreach and engagement with others to share and support the journey. Margaret made it possible to wait and select a good opportunity that met both my career skills and professional goals."

Purple Background

Type 2 Client

"I intuitively knew I wanted to explore my personality and fine tune some of the hard edges. Margaret's sessions with me have gently redirected some of my more challenging habits. Our discussions have truly illuminated a clearer path for self growth and continue to remind me of my potential."

Red and Orange Gradient


"Margaret conveys sincere acceptance and empathy. She has a broad and deep knowledge of the Enneagram coupled with a curiosity about people and individual expressions of strengths and fears. Her ability to notice patterns and help sort those into the Enneagram framework is so helpful for me to understand  my type's dynamics and how to navigate life's complexities.”

Type 4 Client

Ennea Insights
Coach Margaret Evans (she/her)
Certified Enneagram Professional 
located in Portland, OR

Certified Enneagram Professional
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